Case List – apel internațional pentru eliberarea scriitorilor întemnițați

În ziua de 15 noiembrie care are un sens major și pentru spiritul civic românesc (fiind legată de revolta bravă a muncitorilor brașoveni, din 15 noiembrie 1987, împotriva regimului Ceaușescu), Pen International demarează actiunea Case List pentru a pleda pentru eliberarea a 4 scriitori (din diferite colțuri ale lumii) întemnițați. Este vorba despre Alla Abd El Fattah, Jose Ruben Zamora Marroquin, Kaciaryna Andrejeva si Jimmy Lai.

Mai jos, scrisoarea de susținere din partea președintei PEN România, Ruxandra Cesereanu, către Kaciaryna Andrejeva, jurnalistă, scriitoare, poetă din Belarus, care execută o sentință de opt ani pentru „trădare de stat”.

For: Kaciaryna Andrejeva
From: Ruxandra Cesereanu
November 15, 2024

Dear Kaciaryna,

Today, ethical models are necessarily needed. And you represent such a
model. In the vast agora that is our world now, where collective tumult is a
common place due to wars, human catastrophes and dictatorships, there are
intellectuals who debate ideas, bravely problematize the traumatic and coercive
reality, fight with the authorities for the truth. It takes courage and judicial
instinct for such a thing. The viability of an ethical model depends both on the
right ideas assumed and on the structure of those who receive them. And you,
Kaciaryna, are a brave human being and a brave woman who fights for the truth.
Even if your freedom is robbed now, for dictators multiply like mushrooms
when they have the power to do so and when the context allows them to exercise
their tyranny, no one can rob your involvement in the struggle for truth, your
impetuosity and your spirit of justice. That is why I hope that my short epistle
will encourage you and give you strength to resist. Knowing that there are
people who believe in you and strive to defend your right to freedom of opinion
and expression.

Warmest and in solidarity,

Ruxandra Cesereanu

(president of Pen Romania)